Coming Up
Featured Event
Join us on Saturday, February 15th for a Valentine’s Day fundraising dinner in support of refugee sponsorship! The doors will open at 5:30, in the West Van United gym.
This event is by donation - please RSVP by February 9th.
All Events
Youth group is all about learning together to live out the way of Jesus. Grades 8 to 12. Every Thursday from 6 to 8pm.
The Sanctuary Course aims to educate churches about mental health and awaken empathy. This 8-week program will include a video each week followed by discussion, along with reading for deeper learning.
Join us on Saturday, February 15th for a Valentine’s Day fundraising dinner in support of refugee sponsorship! The doors will open at 5:30, in the West Van United gym.
This event is by donation - please RSVP by February 9th.
Coffee, community, conversation - that's what the Men's Coffee Group is all about. Come join us in the lounge on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.
We’re doing it again - walking to raise funds for First United in the Downtown Eastside! Join the team or donate to help us hit our goal of $10,000.
The next Women's Coffee Social is on Tuesday, February 25th at 10:00 am in the lounge.
There is no set program; this is simply an opportunity to connect with those we have not gotten to know well yet.