
“Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”

- 1 Corinthians 13


Are you going through a difficult time and need someone to talk to? Our Stephen Ministry team offers confidential care in a compassionate, non-judgemental way. Regardless of your faith or church affiliation, and whether you're facing grief, loneliness, or life changes, we're here to help.

End of Life

Planning a memorial or facing a difficult diagnosis can be overwhelming. Our pastoral staff provides compassionate support, spiritual guidance, and practical assistance to help you find peace. When you’re ready, send us a note.

Contemplative Spaces

Bronwen’s Garden

Bronwen’s Garden, pictured at the top, is a peaceful outdoor sanctuary located on the North side of our building accessible year round. Whatever is going on in your life, Bronwen’s Garden is a space to remember that you are not alone - that indeed God is with you.


The Chapel is a quiet, serene space filled with the beautiful light of the surrounding stained glass windows. Light a candle, take a deep breath, pray, and simply allow yourself to sit in the goodness of God’s presence. If you’d like someone to pray with you, our pastoral staff are never too far away. Open during regular office hours.


Prayer is central to who we are. Every Sunday after the service, our Prayer Team is available to pray with you. Can’t make it in person? Send us a prayer request. We’ve got you covered.

Social Isolation

Sometimes, all it takes is a friendly check-in with someone who cares to help you feel seen and supported. Our Care Team is here to make sure you are ok. We’d love to set up a visit with you, or give us a call at (604) 922-9171.

Reach out to our Care team.

  • Katie Nofziger