Who We Are
Blessing and mending God’s broken and beloved world, Jesus’ way.
Sunday Service
Every Sunday, we gather as a diverse, multigenerational community to worship. Our services include inspiring music, time for prayer, teachings grounded in Scripture, fun children’s programs, and space to form and deepen relationships.
Service Time — 10AM
Location — 2062 Esquimalt Ave, West Vancouver, BC
Join Online
Our services are streamed live and are also available online to view on-demand. Whether you’re local or far away, deeply connected to us or simply curious, you are welcome to join us online. If you’d like to interact with others, there’s also the option to join our livestream on Facebook where we have a weekly host who will welcome you.
Livestream — 10AM
History of the Church
West Vancouver United Church has deep roots in the community, dating all the way back to 1909 when people first gathered for worship in the home of John Lawson on the waterfront at 17th Street. West Vancouver United Church was officially constituted on November 9, 1919 as a union of Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists. Our building at 21st and Esquimalt has taken many forms since then.
Throughout the decades, the people who have called this place their spiritual home have held the conviction that God has accompanied them on every step of their journey. At our 100th anniversary celebrations in November 2019, we recommitted to our calling to accompany others in times of need and times of joy, share what it means to follow the way of Jesus in each generation, and to encourage one another to live into the fullness of who God has called us to be.
What Anchors Us
At West Van United, we seek to follow the way of Jesus in a way that points to the abundant goodness of God. Along the way, we try to make the good news good to all, while being committed to learning from the times when we get it wrong. No matter who you are, what questions or doubts you hold, there is room for you here.
We are a community shaped by and grounded in the life and teachings of Jesus as portrayed in Scripture. Jesus offers us abundant life, healing and inner transformation, all for the sake of blessing others and furthering God’s vision for this world. It is the way of Jesus that informs in us a love that is gracious, generous, and open to all.
We have dreams, and plans, and hopes. We sing, we pray, we serve. But it is God’s good and holy Spirit who breathes life into all of it and weaves it all together. By the Spirit, we are made more fully who we were created to be, and, together, are joyfully more than the sum of our parts.
It’s ok to belong before you believe. God meets us all where we are, and it is in our differences and uniqueness brought together that we get a fuller glimpse of God’s vision for this world. It’s about relationships. It’s about knowing others and being known. All of this grounded in a common love of God and others.
Faith isn’t just for us. We live out the way of Jesus by being a blessing to others for the flourishing of all. We do this by visiting our neighbours who are hurting or lonely. We do this by supporting ministries in the Downtown Eastside. We do this by helping refugees build a new life in Canada. This is God’s vision for this world brought to life through the work of our hearts.